Breakfast and Dining

Perhaps a little different than most, we wanted to use a good bit of space for the dining room.  We enjoy hosting large gatherings, and are looking forward to all our tables being full this Thanksgiving.   

Taken from the kitchen into the breakfast area. Can’t tell you how much I love my doors!

6 thoughts on “Breakfast and Dining”

  1. Here from the Garden Web Forums. Love the painted ceiling in the dining room. Where did you get the light fixtures in your hallway?

    Also, I love the curtains in the hallway to the family room. Very nice detail!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for the compliment. I bought the entry hallway lights from The curtains I sewed from fabric I bought from The ceiling I’m the dining room is naval from Sherwin Williams.

  2. Here from Houzz. Wonderful blog and tons of great information on every page.

    Curious on your floors? Are they engineered hardwood. Any information would be appreciated.

    Beautiful home.


    1. Hi Fred,

      The floors are one of our favorite things about the house. It’s 8in x 3/4 site finished southern yellow pine. It was locally milled in North Georgia. They’re very rustic, and were distressed by the finisher, finally finished by a mix of 50/50 Minwax Provincial and Special Walnut. Now that we’re in the winter, we’re seeing a few boards with about an 1/8 – 3/16 gap, but since they’re distressed anyway, it’s not bad–just a side effect from using boards that wide. People object to pine sometimes because it’s soft, but when it’s supposed to be distressed, I’m actually less concerned about a dent or scratch on this than I would be on a traditional oak or walnut floor. We love it!

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